Complete Eye Health

Is this a serious problem, or just aging?
Can I stop it from getting worse?

There are enough challenges with health, especially as you age, and eyesight is one of them. 

Complete Eye Health is one of the best available to help curb the aging of the eyes because of the incredible detail of the ingredients. 

The four main eye concerns we have to look forward to include: 

Cataracts are when the lens of your eye starts clouding, and you start getting blurred vision or things are looking dim, or you are seeing halos around lights.

Glaucoma is when there is increased eye pressure, and that can damage the nerve responsible for sight (optic nerve), redness of your eyes (in the sclera -see picture), blurred vision, and reduction of peripheral vision.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) affects the central part of the retina – and so your central vision (versus Gluacoma’s peripheral). You may have trouble recognizing faces or get spots in the center of your vision in the early stages. Straight lines may look wavy.

Diabetic retinopathy is caused by diabetes and affects the blood vessels in the retina. Poor night vision, floaters, or dark spots in your vision.  (Floaters can occur just from aging, too.) 

The nutrients in Complete Eye Health can help.

Complete Eye Health is a well-thought-out, whole food option for you. It has ingredients to help with decreasing eye pressure and helping nerve growth (glaucoma), along with reducing the redness of the eyes and keeping your eyes moist (dry eyes).  It helps with AMD by providing Vitamin A, E, Zinc, Selenium, and more.    I’m going to pick apart the ingredients so you can see just how amazing this product is – especially because it is truly a whole food supplement

How to read this label. 

First off, as you’re looking at the label, some nutrients say they are “From food.”   The food from which the nutrients are derived is in the list below the nutrients. So, if you’re just interested in the main nutrients, I’m addressing that first. Then, I’ll delve into why the food combination that was used to create this product is so great. 

I’ll also give you some synthetic names to look out for.  There are an increasing number of companies jumping on the whole food supplement bandwagon, but they still have plenty of ingredients that aren’t whole food. Buyer beware!

You can purchase it here:   Complete Eye Health.


These are all derived from food.  That is important to you because your body utilizes nutrients from nature much better than synthetic ones.

Vitamin A
Natural Form:  Beta-Carotene (from carrots, tomatoes, and other plants), Retinol (from cod liver oil).
Synthetic Form: Retinyl Palmitate, Retinyl Acetate (often in cheap synthetic supplements)
Vitamin A supports night vision and prevents dry eyes., It helps the cornea heal and prevents corneal ulcers, along with preventing or helping age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts.

Vitamin C
Natural Form: Whole-food Vitamin C (from Acerola Cherry, Bilberry, Broccoli – all in here)
Synthetic Form: Ascorbic Acid (usually derived from corn syrup, lacks bioflavonoids – which are needed to help your body utilize the nutrients.)

The antioxidants protect the retina. It helps maintain capillary integrity, reducing the risk of diabetic retinopathy. The collagen production strengthens the cornea.

Vitamin E
Natural Form: d-Alpha Tocopherol (from plant sources like tomatoes and rice bran)
Synthetic Form: dl-Alpha Tocopherol (petroleum-derived, poorly absorbed, can be harmful in high doses)

Vitamin E prevents oxidative damage in the retina and lens, lowering your risk of AMD and cataracts. It enhances the effects of Vitamin C in protecting eye tissues and supports optic nerve function.

Natural Form: Zinc Picolinate, Zinc Bisglycinate (from food-based sources like rice bran & tomatoes)
Synthetic Form: Zinc Sulfate (poor absorption, can cause nausea)

Zinc helps transport Vitamin A to the retina, which helps your night vision.  It reduces your risk of AMD and cataracts and supports wound healing in the eyes.

Natural Form: Selenium from whole foods (Rice Bran, Brazil Nuts, Broccoli)
Synthetic Form: Sodium Selenite (low bioavailability, toxic in high doses)

It is an antioxidant – so protects against cataracts and AMD.  It also works with Vitamin E to prevent retinal damage and supports glutathione production, an eye antioxidant.


And now for all the foods from which the nutrients above have been derived. And why this is so amazing.

Acerola Cherry -provides Vitamin C

Wildcrafetd Wolfberries have lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, vitamin C, Zinc and Selenium as well as LBP (lycium barbarum polysaccharides) – which is an antioxidant for the eyes and is anti-inflammatory. 

Organic carrot root – Vitamin A

Tomato Powder (Lycopene)  Reduces cataract risk by protecting the lens and is an antioxidant for the retina.

Cytotrophins:  Bovine Eye Cytotrophin & Bovine Trachea Cytotrophin
These are tissue extracts used for glandular therapy, which is based on the principle of “like supports like.”  This means that you consume the exact tissue that your body needs for nourishment/support. They’ll help with glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, or diabetic retinal issues. Of course, these are linked to dry eyes, eye strain, or aging-related vision loss.

  • Bovine Eye Cytotrophin has Taurine, an amino acid naturally found in the retina.  Helps with UV damage. Dry eyes and helps prevent degeneration by helping repair and regenerate eye tissues. Helps with glaucoma, cataracts, eye strain, and age-related vision decline.
  • Bovine Trachea Cytotrophin provides cartilage and chondroitin sulfate to help prevent or slow the progression of diabetic retinopathy by hydrating and providing elasticity and helping protect against vascular damage. 

Cod Liver Oil (Vitamin A & Omega-3s) prevents dry eyes by supporting tear production, reduces inflammation in the retina, and helps with floaters and retinal repair.

Eyebright Extract (Euphrasia officinalis)
Used for centuries in natural eye care, often in teas, tinctures, and eye drops.  Reduces redness, irritation, and swelling in the eyes. Supports Tear Production – Helps with dry eyes and eye strain, especially from screen use.  Protects retinal health and capillary strength.  It can help with eye infections and seasonal allergies.

Wildcrafted Rosemary Leaf
Antioxidant herb for protecting nerve tissue, including retinal neurons, and promotes nerve growth.  These help reduce your AMD risk and help prevent damage from UV exposure.  Helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to the optic nerve and retina. Newer research shows it may lower eye pressure. 

Bilberry Extract – an antioxidant
Natural Form: Bilberry extract (from whole berries, rich in anthocyanins). Synthetic Form: Artificial anthocyanins, often mixed with synthetic Vitamin C.  Strengthens retinal capillaries, which reduces diabetic retinopathy risk. Enhances night vision and reduces eye strain.  Protects Vitamin C from breakdown, increasing its effectiveness in the eyes.

Echinacea Purpurea
Helps protect against age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy by reducing chronic inflammation. Supports glaucoma prevention by enhancing blood flow to the eyes, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the retina and optic nerve. (Bonus – can help with frequently irritated eyes and allergies)

Broccoli (Lutein, Sulforaphane, Vitamin K)
The three nutrients from broccoli are said to reduce the need for cataract surgery. Also protects the eyes from UV damage, reducing the risk of macular degeneration. Helps protect your retinal nerves. 

Ginkgo Leaf
Improves blood flow to the retina, supporting macular health while preventing degenerative eye diseases. Improves long-distance vision and visual clarity. Not eye-related, but it can help with memory.

Rice Bran (B Vitamins & Potassium)
B Vitamins support optic nerve function and reduce eye fatigue. The potassium helps with blurred vision and fluid balance in the eye.

Natural Form: Lutein from Marigolds (Whole Food Source)
Synthetic Form: Petroleum-derived Lutein (poor absorption, lacks synergy with other eye nutrients, plus it’s just gross that it’s from petroleum)

Filters harmful blue light, protecting the macula from damage, so reduces the risk of AMD and cataracts. It increases macular pigment density, improving visual sharpness.

Natural Form: Zeaxanthin from Marigolds (Whole Food Source)
Synthetic Form: Lab-created Zeaxanthin (lacks cofactors for proper absorption)

This is the main pigment in the part of the eye responsible for sharp central vision (fovea).  It protects against blue light damage, reducing the risk of AMD.  And it helps prevent cataract formation.

And that’s it.  If you’ve shopped around, you’ll likely see how great this is. 

Let me know if you have any questions or successes with Complete Eye Health!  You can get yours here:  Complete Eye Health

Dr. Bonnie Juul