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Vitamin B-6, B-12 & Folate™


√ Superior source of folate

Food Research Superior source of Vitamin B-6

Food Research Superior source of Vitamin B-12

Food Research Assits in balancing healthy Homocysteine levels

Vitamin B-6, B-12 & Folate™ iis a 100% vegan Food supplement that is intended to supply nutrients needed to provide high quality 100% Food vitamins B6, B12 and B9 (folate). Vitamins B6, B12, and B9 support healthy blood. B12 is essential for myelin synthesis and central nervous system function.

Unlike most so-called "natural" supplements, this product does not contain any folic acid, which is a sythetic from of vitamin B-9 and is dangerous.

This product is the equivalent to Cataplex B12 by Standard Process Supplements.



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Weight 0.184 lbs